About Me

I am a pre-final year undergraduate student in the department of Electronics and Electrical Communications engineering in IIT Kharagpur. I am from Kolkata, West Bengal, India. My hobbies include playing snooker and cricket. I also like participating in elocutions, debates and case studies.

Contact Details

Pratik TIbrewal
B-219 Patel Hall of Residence
IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, India.



Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering 2016-2020

I am currently in the sixth semester of my 8-semester course. My aggregate CGPA is 9.03. I am also pursuing minor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. I have completed courses on Machine Learning, Probability and Stochastic Processes, Matrix Algebra and Introduction to Internet. Currently my ongoing courses include Deep Learning and Operations Research.

Don Bosco Liluah

Senior Secondary 2014-2016

I stood first in my school in ISC boards examination with an aggregate of 97.5%.I was also an active member of Debate club and Leadership Training Service club in my school. Also I was a part of the dramatics team of my school and participated in inter-school events.


Kharagpur RoboSoccer Students' Group

Artificial Intelligence Team Member Feb 2017 - Present

Implemening multi agent autonomous coordinated soccer playing Humanoid Bots using Artificial Intelligence.I worked on improving the role assignment by implementing heuristic function for specific role weights in Hungarian Algorithm.Also worked on Delaunay Triangulation, obstacle avoidance and higher level strategy design. Currently working on deep reinforcement learning to improve kicking and walking speed of bots. I was also a member of the Robocup 2018 contingent held in Montreal, Canada and we stood 2nd in goalie challenge in the 3D Humanoid Simulation League.

Kharagpur Open Source Society

Advisor January 2017 - present

I am an open source enthusiast. We have organised workshops to promote open source inside and outside our campus. GSoC seminar, Git workshop, Ubuntu install fest and Python workshop are some of the workshops where I actively participated. I also mentored in Kharagpur Winter Of Code 2017.


I am interested in coding since my secondary schooling. JAVA was taught as a part of our curriculum. After coming to college, I learnt C and then moved on to C++ and Python. I have also developed interest in Artificial Intelligence and wish to implement it in embedded circuits related to IoT.

  • C
  • C++
  • JAVA
  • Frameworks - Pytorch, Tensorflow and Mxnet

  • The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

  • Be stubborn about your goals but flexible about your methods.

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